Remarks from Steve McCauley, A/CEO
Congratulations to the automotive companies participating at Queens Park EV Day. These are impressive vehicles you are showcasing today. Your leadership in the industry in successfully bringing these emissions free vehicles to the Canadian marketplace is helping to deliver cleaner air for the people of Ontario, and is playing an increasingly important role in support the fight against climate change.
Just last week, Bruce Power with the support of Pollution Probe, Plug’nDrive and the University of Waterloo’s Department of Chemical Engineering released a study which explores ways to build on the Government of Ontario’s strong commitment to accelerating the deployment of electric vehicles. Our joint report highlights opportunities to take advantage of the decarbonisation potential which electric vehicles offer, which is vital given the significant challenge we face in Ontario in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.
Action by the Government of Ontario to shut down coal fired electricity facilities and the transition to a clean electricity supply, is a huge advantage for the province. The low GHG emissions from Ontario’s clean electricity combined with the zero tailpipe emissions of electric vehicles will help to ensure the province meets its climate change goals, and supports the achievement of our international climate commitments. Today’s event is proof of this tremendous opportunity for Ontario that EV’s offer. In closing I also would like to congratulate Plug’nDrive for yet another successful EV day, and your outstanding efforts to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in Ontario and nationally.
Read more about Plugn’Drive’s Queen’s Park EV Day.