Sandboxes are a valuable tool used by jurisdictions across the world to meet evolving priorities and address new and emerging concerns. Pollution Probe and QUEST’s Innovation Sandboxes project aims to collaboratively create frameworks that will allow for innovation in all levels of provincial and territorial energy systems across Canada. These foundational frameworks can then be used by policymakers, regulators, and other stakeholders to change existing policies and regulations or create more effective policies, regulations, and programs to accelerate the transition to a low-emissions future.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are Innovation Sandboxes?
Innovation Sandboxes include a range of initiatives and strategies to promote innovation through collaboration and experimentation within controlled settings in a real-world environment. The experimentation process reveals new insights about existing challenges and barriers to progress – which can be procedural, policy-based, process-based, or regulatory – as well as potential solutions which can be analyzed for feasibility and cost-benefit ratio.
Where can I learn more, or sign up to get involved?
Why use Innovation Sandboxes?
It is not always clear what the barriers are to progress and innovation, or how to overcome them. Using Innovation Sandboxes is a low-risk way to identify how much (or how little) existing policy, regulatory and decision-making frameworks are holding back innovation and how best to change that. As jurisdictions across Canada have been hard-hit by COVID-19, it has become more clear than ever before how important it is that they have resources, governance structures, and policy support to build community resilience and make sure they have strong and sustainable energy systems moving forward.
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