Low Carbon Energy Innovation Project

With Quest Canada

The federal target of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 has shifted the conversation, leaving the future of Canada’s energy sector at a crossroad. The need for innovation has grown, with a clear and ambitious objective materializing. Despite this, the current pace at which change is occurring is far from sufficient. Innovation in the energy sector needs to generate transformational, large-scale change in a short period of time. While we have much of the technology we need, according to the IEA’s net-zero scenario, this innovation has to be deployed faster than it has been in the past. The challenge is to develop an adequate set of policies, programs and regulatory tools that will enable the deployment and scaling up of available technologies, in order to meet our net-zero target.

The three-year initiative will complete the following actions:

Next Steps

Unleashing the Future of Energy Symposium: Tuesday, June 10, 2025

QUEST Canada and Pollution Probe invite you to our interactive one-day national Symposium, on Tuesday, June 10, 2025, at the St. James Cathedral Centre in downtown Toronto.

We’re bringing together the low-carbon energy community of stakeholders, with a goal of presenting the results of our research and introduce the National Low-Carbon Innovation Scorecard. As well we’ll be highlighting strengths and best practices, discussing pathways forward, and above all showcasing innovations needed to get to net zero by 2050.

Don’t Miss the Early Bird Registration Discount!

Register for the Symposium before January 31, 2025 to receive your early bird discount!

Symposium Early Bird Registration Fee – before January 31, 2025: $150.00
Regular Symposium Registration Fee – after February 1, 2025: $200.00

For more information about this event, visit https://questcanada.org/questevent/unleashing-the-future-of-energy-june10-2025/

Would You Like to Sponsor the Symposium?

There are different levels of sponsorship and recognition available for sponsors of ‘Unleashing the Future of Energy’ the 2025 National Low-Carbon Energy Innovation Symposium.

If you are interested in sponsoring the event, in whole or in part, please reach out to Richard Carlson at Pollution Probe @ rcarlson@pollutionprobe.org.