In a new report, Potential of Small Modular Reactors in Hard-to-Decarbonize Industries, Pollution Probe used modelling to investigate SMRs’ potential roles in decarbonization. We also brought together diverse stakeholders, from a range of industries that might use SMRs to reduce their GHG emissions, to obtain their perspectives on the potential benefits, costs and risks. Nuclear energy is an emotive issue and fulsome discourse is required to determine if and where SMRs might be employed.
In the past year, Pollution Probe and its partner QUEST have been actively working on promoting the idea of Innovation Sandboxes to allow the net-zero innovation we will need.
In the summer of 2021, we held a series of national and international workshops to identify barriers and what is needed to get to a net-zero energy system.
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Jump on in: The Role of Energy Innovation Sandboxes in Getting to Net-Zero.